G & C unit

Guidance & Counseling Unit 

Client: Dear counselor, I am grateful for the previous times I had with you, and for given me a good directive means of understanding myself better than any. Sir, this time around I have thousands questions to ask, but only if I would be given the grace to say out all my questions.
And which some part of my questions goes as this; sometimes ago, you gave me a thought that says, “I am the product of my thoughts.” Sir, how? And why? Again, I have seen people of my age and under age excelling and progressing, while I myself still depend on my parents for provisions. And right from my childhood up bring my mother has always called me a destiny child and have several time encouraged me to a hard-working citizen for an excellent award, but with the above experience, what does it mean to be called a destiny child? Three years ago, I read from Bishop David Oyedepo’s book on purpose that, it could often cost someone a price to discover his purpose, and another different strategy cost to fulfill that purpose. Is it true?
Please I need more delight on destiny and purpose fulfillment.
Counselor: Hmm, my beloved client you said you have thousands of to ask?
Client: Yes!
Counselor: But in counseling class, we don’t often welcome too many questions or complicated issues at a time; all things ought to be in sequential means. We abide by treating problems from the simpler to complex. We handle single problem at a time and tackle the issue to the best satisfaction of our responsible client before we could have access to listen and tackle the next problem.
So, hope you will allow me to feed you of your hunger not in complexity, but simplicity.
Actually I sometimes ago shared a factual point that says, “You’re the product of your thoughts.” But even the Bible said the same thing in Proverbs “As man thinketh, so is he.” As an individual we are the image of our thoughts. Before we could act or react to anything, we reason first. You thought of nakedness to be ignorant and abnormal, and that’s why you clothed yourself with a beautiful clothes. You thought of education to be cheaper than ignorance, and that’s why you chose to attend schools and colleges.
For example, when you often think of failure, so don’t expect the manifestation of anything else, but the failure. And the time you begin to think of yourself to be very important and great, and then you discover yourself acting as the one.
What does it mean to be called a destiny child?
Being called a destiny child doesn’t have any impact on someone’s life, like the fulfillment of that destiny. Every creature created by God has in it a tag mark called destiny. So you being called a glorious son or daughter without such glory has been materialized, that has no any meaning because the people around you are still seeing the former and normal you, not the new you! Your destiny is in you, so strive to fulfill it! And Bishop David Oyedopo was very right; because every race runner runneth for a prize, and before any prize could be won there must be a put down price.
I am also a tutor of destiny and purpose; so much is expected from him, he who wants the best. “Destiny is a call to be.” Who you’re fashioned to be in life is your destiny. And “Purpose is a call to serve.” The expectation of God from that which you have being fashioned to be; is called a purpose.  
What if I were to tell you that there is a power within you that can revolutionize your life. 
A power that is invisible, intangible, but completely real. A power that can transform you so dramatically that under its influence and guidance you can become an entirely new person, stronger, more confident, better balanced, more energetic, more resilient, more capable of coping with the ever increasing complexity of modern living.
Suppose I added that this remarkable force could lift you from failure to success, from illness to health, from self-doubt to self-assurance.
And then, if I assured you further that it could help you find congenial friends, solve problems, break out of stale habits, fairly explode into a world totally different from the world you have known before, a world of enthusiasm and exhilaration and understanding and joy  what would your reaction be?
I think you would want to find out about this power: What is it called? Where does it come from? How do I find it? What must I do to make it operative in my life?
My answers might surprise you because basically they are simple. Everyone knows that there is a life force that sustains and animates every living thing on this planet of ours. With it, you are alive. Without it, you are dead.  This life force was put into all of us by God Himself. What I ‘m writing about here is a special manifestation of it, a special concentration of it that will do remarkable things for those who understand it and reach for it and allow it to function in their lives.
I call it the supernatural-endowment power.
It’s the quality of extra-ness that we see in certain people.
People who live with more eagerness, more energy, more enthusiasm than others. 
Who set higher goals and achieve them more often. Who keep going despite adversity and hardship. Who shrug off misfortune and give out warmth and caring and encouragement wherever they go.
People, in short, who have in themselves, a marvelous supernatural-endowment power at work.
Well, you may say, I know such people, but what about me?  How do I get hold of this extra-ness? Where can I find this supernatural-endowment power?
The answer to that is simple, too. You will find it in the last place you might think of: within yourself.
When the good Lord fashions a human being like you or me, how does He go about it? I like to think that first He arranges all the intricate parts of the body so that they are in balance and harmony with one another: the skin, the bones, the nerves, all the elements that go into a marvelous machine designed to last a lifetime. But He, who created us “a little lower than the angels,” adds one thing more. He gives each of us a power that I call the supernatural-endowment power – that extra something in the spirit. 
There it remains, deep in the personality of every individual. You don’t have to search for it; it’s already there. But there is one thing you must realize about the supernatural-endowment power. Its power is potential, but it is not self-activating. It is latent in human beings and will remain latent until it is activated.
That is why it manifests itself more strongly in some people than in others. They are the people who have learned how to call it forth.
If you want this wonderful stream of power to be activated in you, there are four preliminary things you should do.
·        First, make the key discovery that the supernatural-endowment power is no myth, no abstraction, but a reality that has been recognized and used by wise men and women for centuries.
·        Next, you accept the fact that it is already planted inside of you, waiting to be released.
·        Then you decide you want it to become operative. There can be no maybes, no hesitancies, and no half-heartedness about this. You must want it intensely, urgently, and ardently. And you must want it now.
·        You decide to face the fact that this marvelous potential built into you is not being fully realized. You admit that in the past – partly through ignorance – it has been blocked, ignored, neglected. You make a promise to yourself to rearrange your thought patterns so that the blocks are removed, and the power can come surging through.
·        Finally you do the thing that gives power to your life – the Scriptural method, “But to as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the children of God, even to them that believe on his name” (John 1:12).
We live in a universe of laws that operate in the spiritual as well as the physical world. And here is the crucial thing to remember: The supernatural-endowment power makes its appearance in a person’s life in proportion as that person is in harmony with God and His universal laws.
If you want the supernatural-endowment power to operate in your life, if you want to be on the receiving end of the extra flow of power, you need to learn to think a certain way and act a certain way and be a certain kind of person.
This learning process is well within the reach of all of us, and this Guidance and Counseling page is programmed and designed to help you master it. But don’t expect that mastery to come easily. The supernatural-endowment power is implanted in all of us. But it is planted deep.
It is almost as if the Creator knew that a degree of struggle is good for His children. He also knew that they value most what they value most what they have to for. Consequently, He arranged things so that the supernatural-endowment power is not going to emerge spontaneously in a person. It has to be understood and activated. The Lord installed this hidden dynamo, but it’s our job to remove the blocks and hindrances that short-circuit the emergence of power. It’s our job, to open the doors of our inner selves and let this force, this supernatural-endowment power, come through.
You can often tell at a glance whether the supernatural-endowment power is working in people or not. You see a young walking down a city street, bright hair blowing in the wind, an almost tangible aura of health and vitality about her, confidence in her clear eyes, a sense of purpose in her stride, and you say to yourself, “Yes, there it is. She has it. She has the supernatural-endowment power and the supernatural-endowment power has her.” Then you come upon some unfortunate derelict slumped against a wall, head sunk on chest, eyes staring vacantly into space, and you know very well that the supernatural-endowment power is not operative. It has been blocked by some or all of a whole series of minus factors: alcohol, drugs, fear, and anxiety, and guilt, disease, negated to the point where the individual is no longer able to cope with even the most elementary challenges of existence. Or there may be a person of obvious ability who is not living at a level of creativity that his aptitudes indicate he should attain.
I do not believe there is any exact blueprint or precise formula for the release of the supernatural-endowment power. If there were, we would all have it to a far greater extent than we do. But the more we learn to believe in it, trust it, and open ourselves to it, the more we find that goals are achieved, ambitions are realized, high energy levels are maintained, fears and tensions subside, and spiritual growth becomes not just possible but almost inevitable. In this page I shall indicate some of the key areas of living, and show how the supernatural-endowment power has helped people in times of difficulty or distress, and offer suggestions that will help the reader find it and use it. The purpose of this Guidance and Counseling department is to make possible a better understanding of you, this inner potential and make it begin to operate in people.
Let’s begin where the supernatural-endowment power impinges on an intangible and remarkable aspect of human existence: the area of dreams. 
Do you sometimes feel that you are living below your potential?
Are you ever troubled by the thought that greater energies, more creative ideas, and problem solving capacities are locked away inside you?
If so, you are not alone. We all have such feelings from time to time.
I think such feelings come from awareness that the life force in each of us is a fraction of the great universal Life Force that we call God. Since we are made in His image, as the Bible says we are, then we should have access to all the power we need to live successfully and triumphantly.  The supernatural-endowment power should operate in us, not just now then, but all the time.
Why don’t we have it every minute, every hour? Because we let certain things block it. Ignorance can block it. Fear can block it. Hatred, envy, anger, anxiety, negative thoughts, selfish actions …….. all these things can keep the supernatural-endowment power from functioning.  Some of it may get through, enough perhaps to keep us going, barely. But it will be only a trickle instead of the powerful force it is supposed to be.
Fortunately, just as there are attitudes and actions that narrow the flow of power, there are some that widen the channel and let more of the power through. The first step to be taken in order to start the supernatural-endowment power operating is to learn to be a creative dreamer.
Let’s assume you have begun to liberate the supernatural-endowment power in your nature by the process of creative dreaming.
Now what must you do?
Since the supernatural-endowment power is to function with ever-increasing power, you must work on those dreams.
You need to shape them, focus them, and hammer them down to their essence. 
You have to build a viaduct over which they can pass from the world of dreams to the world of reality. In other words, you have to learn to set goals.
“No wind favors him who has no destined port.” __ Michael de Montaigne.
From the above expression Michael de Montaigne meant that a person without clear-cut goals in life is forever doomed to sail in circle, always frustrated, always rudderless, never getting anywhere.
And I think his words were real then and perhaps they are even of more real today, because the world which we lives in today has become a more complex and competitive place. In this fast moving, super specialized century, unless you are able clearly and calmly and deliberately to set goals for yourself, you are becalmed in indecision and inertia.
When people set goals for themselves that are clear and distinct; when they hold tenaciously to those goals through times of disappointment, frustration, or even apparent failure; when they image themselves progressing steadily toward those goals and finally achieving them, then a force emerges from deep within them so powerful that it is virtually irresistible. That is the supernatural-endowment power.
Once the supernatural-endowment power makes its appearance and really takes hold, the surge of energy and confidence becomes so strong that it overcomes all obstacles. 
We have written about the importance of creative dreaming. We have stressed the necessity of setting goals.
Now, is there a logical third step in this process of liberating and activating the supernatural-endowment power in human beings?
Yes, there is. And this consists of just two magic words.
“To be or not to be; that is the question.” Of course it’s the question! Is the supernatural-endowment power to be a force in your life, or is it not? Are you going to set goals and reach them, or are you not? Is success something you will achieve, or isn’t it? Is happiness going to come to you, or will it ever remain just beyond your grasps? Are these things to be, or are they not; that is indeed the question.
And now we get down to two magic words tell us how to accomplish just about anything we want to accomplish, two powerful words that can change any situation, two dynamic words that all too few people use. And what are these two amazing words?
“Do it!”
Have you got an idea? Do it!
Do you have a dream? Do it!
Do you have an ambition? Do it!
Have you some great impulse, some burning desire? Do it!
Are you defeated by something?  Are you afraid of something? Are you hesitant to try something? Many people spend their lives being afraid to do what they really want to do. But if they stand tall and say, “I will do this thing!” then the supernatural-endowment power is liberated and power begins to surge into them.
That power begins to flow at the moment one takes the first step or even when the first positive thought comes. No matter how intense your dreaming, no matter how clearly defined your goals, nothing is going to happen until you make it happen by taking an active step toward the fulfillment of those dreams, a decisive step toward the realization of those goals.
Emerson said, “Do the thing you fear, and the death of fear is certain.”
So what are you afraid of? What is holding you back? What is it that stands in your way?
Do it! I have seen this simple rule work so many times. When I can persuade someone to do it, they become victorious instead of defeated.
Usually it is fear of failure that is blocking the flow of power from the supernatural-endowment power. That fear leads to inertia, sometimes to a real paralysis of personality. And the longer the inertia persists, the harder it is to break through it.
Sometimes it can be literally a matter of life or death.  Do you want power in you?
Do you want peace in mind and heart? Do you want to reach for success across the quicksand of timidity and doubt? Then take these two magic words, say them to yourself again and again and again. Ask God to help you – and DO IT. And not tomorrow or next week or next month or next year.
Now. Do it now! 
So far I have suggested methods to activate the supernatural-endowment power……
Dream creative dreams.
Set high and worthwhile goals.
Take the first decisive step toward your goal. And then what? 
Then take another step, and another, and another, until the goal is reached, the ambition realized, the mission accomplished.
No matter how long it takes, persist. No matter how discouraged you may get, persevere. No matter how much you want to quit, hang in there.
President Calvin Coolidge, known widely as “Silent Cal,” said, “Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence.” Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan “press on” has solved and always will solve the problems of human race.
Winston Churchill said something of similar nature, but it was expressed in different words. Where any worthwhile endeavor was concerned, he said: “Never give up. Never, never, never … give up!”
Why is persistence, why is perseverance of such enormous importance? Because so little of consequence is achieved without it. And because lack of it leads so often to failure.
Sometimes we see people persevering in the face of what seem to be insuperable odds. When that happens, I can’t help but think that through their supernatural-endowment power information has been conveyed to them that even they are unaware of.
Here’s how my dictionary defines these two important words:
Persist: To continue steadily and firmly in some state, purpose, or course of action, especially in spite of opposition, remonstration, etc.
Persevere: To persist in any undertaking, maintain a purpose in spite of difficulty or obstacles, continue steadfastly.
Take a good notice of that last phrase: continue steadfastly.
Does this unseen quality, the supernatural-endowment power, activate and strengthen the capacity for persistence in a person, or does a display of perseverance in an individual call it forth? I think it probably works both ways. If you make a determined effort on your own, the supernatural-endowment power will come to your aid. On the other hand, there seem to be times when the supernatural-endowment power is manifested in a most unlikely way. It causes that person to choose an almost unattainable goal, and persist against almost insuperable odds until a hopeless hope becomes an actual reality.
Do not minimize the power of persistence. Just hang in there always. And never, never give up. Realization and achievement come to those who persist.
“The kingdom of God is within you” (Luke 17:21), Jesus told His disciples. He also said, “If ye have faith ….. nothing shall be impossible unto you” (Mathew 17:20). The supernatural-endowment power is a reflection of eternal truth. 
Thoughts are things! TRULY, “thoughts are things,” and powerful things at that, when they are mixed with definiteness of purpose, persistence, and a burning desire for their translation into riches, or other material objects.
Nothing you encounter that’s not common to another persons previous experience. A lot of men have had business setbacks that came unexpectedly, and were not their fault, but they suffered because of them. All of us have experienced disappointments of one kind or another; no person can live long without some kind of suffering. But God never promised a life with no trials, nor did He promise skies that would always be sunny.
Faith in God is not an insurance policy against physical pain; neither does it insure us against mental pain that results from such things as fear, anxiety, loneliness; neither does our faith protect us in every case from the remorse and agony over some sin of the past, though it may be repented of and now forgiven; and neither does faith protect us from the hurts and bruises that sometimes result from the environment in which we live.
As someone said:
God hath not promised: Sun without rain __ Joy without sorrow __ Peace without pain.
But God does promise His companionship, strength, and love. “Lo, I am with you always” (Mathew 28:20), said Jesus, not only to His first disciples but to each one of us.
All through the Bible we are promised dividends from troubles. Trials and tribulations are gold mines from which may be taken some of life’s riches prizes. So, to begin with, instead of praying, “Lord when am I going to get out of this?” it is better to pray, “Lord, what am I going to get out of this?”
The Bible tells us: “We glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; And patience, experience; and experience, hope: And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts” (Romans 5:3-5). Often it is that tribulations do lead to the flooding of our souls with bright sunshine of God’s love.
Saint Paul wonderfully wrote, “I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 8:38-39). That is his way of saying that no matter what may come, you can still hold on to God and you need never step outside the circle of His love.  
George Matheson beautifully wrote:
There is an Eye that never sleeps, Beneath the wind of night. There is an Ear that never shuts, When sink the beams of light. There is an Arm that never tires, When human strength gives way. There is a Love that never fails, When earthly loves decay.
In a time of illness – a time of helplessness and near despair – we can lean back easier on that “arm that never tires” and we find it sufficient. During a war, someone noted a sign in front of a church in London that said, “If your knees are shaking, kneel on them.”
One other thought – as we kneel (i.e. prayer) we find the strength to hold on. Emerson said that a man is a hero not because he is braver than anyone else but because he is braver for ten minutes longer. Put your hand in His hand, and God will give you the help to keep you brave as long as necessary. Know more about the power and the effect of prayer on lives and destinies __ Power House

Worry weighs a person down; an encouraging word cheers a person up. The godly give good advice to their friends. (Proverbs 12:25-26a) 
The blessing of the LORD makes a person rich and he adds no sorrow with it. (Proverbs 10:22) 

Fear of the LORD lengthens one's life, but the years of the wicked are cut short. Hopes of the godly result in happiness, but the expectations of the wicked are all in vain. The LORD protects the upright but destroys the wicked. The godly will never be disturbed, but the wicked will be removed from the land. (Proverbs 10:27-30) 

Dear clients; as the days change, the human experience advances and becomes the resourceful need of their fellow humans.
As of a matter of facts, you have nothing to worry about; life is a journey of turn on and turns over.

"My child, never forget the things I have taught you. Store my commands in your heart, for they will give you a long and satisfying life. Never let loyalty and kindness get away from you! Wear them like a necklace; write them deep within your heart. Then you will find favor with both God and people; and you will gain a good reputation. Trust in the LORD with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will direct your paths. (Proverbs 3:1-6) 

KEY WORDS on verse 5&6 

When the Bible says we aren't to trust ourselves or our own understanding, it doesn't mean that we shouldn't use our mind to think things through. God has given us the ability to reason, and he expects us to use that ability. The problem comes when we get an inflated view of ourselves because of our ability to solve problems. Sometimes, in fact, we may try plans A through Z until finally, in desperation, we ask God for help. Trusting God completely means that we go to him first, asking for his insight and guidance. Then he will want us to use our brain and devise our plans, but he will be in control. I wish you all best and profitable outcome of life. 

Dear clients/ readers of this counseling page, hope with these we have now meets the demand of your heavy mind, sorrowful, hopeless, and a helplessness life?
 “To every destination there’s always a movement.” Make a move to your destination. Action is the key you need to put all the acquired skills into operation!  
